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Steffen, K.L., R. Arora and J.P. Palta. 1989. Relative sensitivity of photosynthesis and respiration to freeze-thaw stress in herbaceous species: Importance of realistic freeze-thaw protocols. Plant Physiology 89: 1372-1379.
Arora, R. and J.P. Palta 1989. Perturbation of membrane calcium as a molecular mechanism of freezing injury. In J. Cherry, ed.,Environmental Stress in Plants: Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms, NATO-ASI Series-“G” Ecological Series, Vol. 19, Springer- Verlag, Inc., N.Y. pp. 281-290. (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop symposium held at Norwick, UK)
Arora, R. and J.P. Palta. 1991. A loss in Plasma-membrane ATPase activity and its recovery coincides with incipient freeze-thaw injury and post-thaw recovery in onion bulb scale tissue. Plant Physiology 95: 846-852.
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Arora, R., M.E. Wisniewski and D.J. Makus. 1992. Frost hardiness of asparagus. HortScience 27: 823-824.
Arora, R., M.E. Wisniewski and R. Scorza. 1992. Cold acclimation in genetically related (sibling) deciduous and evergreen peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch). I. Seasonal changes in cold hardiness and polypeptides of bark and xylem tissues. Plant Physiology 99: 1562-1568.
Wisniewski, M.E. and R. Arora 1992. Responses of fruit trees to cold temperatures, In Alan R. Biggs (ed.), Handbook of Cytology, Histology and Histochemistry of Fruit Tree Diseases, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 299-320.
Wisniewski, M.E., G. Davis and R. Arora 1993. The role of pit membrane structure in deep supercoiling of xylem parenchyma. In P.H. Li and L. Christersson (eds.), Advances in Plant Cold Hardiness, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp 213-226. (Proceedings of the Fourth International Plant Cold Hardiness Symposium held at Uppsala, Sweden)
Takeda, F., R. Arora, M.E. Wisniewski, G. Davis and M.R. Warmund. 1993. Assessment of freeze injury in ‘Boskoop Giant’ black currant buds. HortScience 28: 652-654.
Arora, R. and M.E. Wisniewski. 1994. Cold acclimation in genetically related (sibling) deciduous and evergreen peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch). II. A 60 kD polypeptide in cold acclimated bark tissue of peach is heat-stable and related to dehydrin family of proteins. Plant Physiology105: 95-101.
Adler, P., R. Arora, A. El Ghaouth, D. M. Glenn and J. M. Solar. 1994. Bioremediation of phenolic compounds from water with plant root surface peroxidases. J. of Environmental Quality 23: 1113-1117.
Arora, R. and M. Wisniewski. 1995. Ultra structural and protein changes in cell suspension cultures of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch in response to low temperature-induced cold acclimation and ABA treatments. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 40: 17-24.
Steffen, K.L., R.M. Wheeler, R. Arora, J.P. Palta and T.W. Tibbitts. 1995. Balancing photosynthetic light-harvesting and light-utilization capacities in potato leaf tissue during acclimation to different growth temperatures. Physiologia Plantarum94: 51-56.
Rowland, L.J., A. Levi, R. Arora, E. L. Ogden, M. M. Muthalif, N. Vorsa, and M. E. Wisniewski. 1995. Progress toward identifying markers linked to genes controlling chilling requirement and cold hardiness in blueberry. J. Small Fruit and Viticulture 3 (2/3): 39-52
Arora, R. and M.E. Wisniewski. 1996. Accumulation of 60 kD dehydrin protein in peach xylem tissues and its relationship to cold acclimation. HortScience 31: 923-925.
Wisniewski, M.E., T.J. Close, T. Artlip and R. Arora.1996. Seasonal patterns of dehydrins and 70 kDa heat shock proteins in bark tissues of eight species of woody plants. Physiologia Plantarum 96: 496-505
Arora, R., M.E. Wisniewski and L.J. Rowland.1996. Cold acclimation and alterations in dehydrin and bark storage proteins in the leaves of sibling deciduous and evergreen peach. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.121: 915-919.
Arora, R., L.J. Rowland and G.R. Panta. 1997. Chill-responsive dehydrins in blueberry: Are they associated with cold hardiness or dormancy transitions. Physiologia Plantarum 101: 8- 16.
Arora, R., M.E. Wisniewski and L.J. Rowland. 1997. Low temperature-induced expression of dehydrins in deciduous fruit crops and their relation to cold acclimation and/or dormancy. Acta Horticulturae 441: 175-182.
Rowland, L.J. and R. Arora. 1997. Proteins related to endodormancy (rest) in woody perennials. Plant Science126: 119-144.
Arora, R., L.J. Rowland, G.Panta, C.C. Lim, Jeffrey S. Lehman and N. Vorsa. 1998 Genetic control of cold hardiness in blueberry. In P.H. Li and T.H.H. Chen (eds.), Plant Cold Hardiness: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Physiology. Plenum Press, NY, pp 99-106. (Proceedings of the Fifth International Plant Cold Hardiness Symposium, Corvallis, OR)
Lim, C-C., R. Arora and E.C. Townsend. 1998. A comparison of Gompertz and Richards functions for estimating freezing injury in rhododendrons using electrolyte leakage. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 123: 246-252.
Arora, R., D.S. Pitchay and B.C. Bearce. 1998. Water-stress-induced heat tolerance in geranium leaf tissue: A Possible Linkage through Stress Proteins? Physiologia Plantarum 103: 24-34.
Lim, C-C, R. Arora and S. L. Krebs. 1998. Genetic study of freeze-tolerance in Rhododendron populations: implications for cold hardiness breeding. J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc.52 (3): 143-148.
Rowland, L.J., R. Arora, J.F. Lehman, A. Levi, E.L. Ogden, G.R. Panta and C-C. Lim 1999. Use of blueberry to study genetic control of chilling requirement and cold hardiness in woody perennials. HortScience34: 1185-1191.
Lim, C-C., S.L. Krebs and R. Arora. 1999. A 25 kD dehydrin in association with age- and genotype-dependent leaf freezing tolerance in Rhododendron. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99: 912-920.
Levi, A., G.R. Panta, C.M. Parmentier, M.M. Muthalif, R. Arora, S. Shankar and L.J. Rowland. 1999. Complementary DNA cloning, sequencing and expression of an unusual dehydrin from blueberry floral buds. Physiologia Plantarum 107: 98-109.
Arora, R., L.J. Rowland, J.S. Lehman, C-C. Lim, G.R. Panta, and N. Vorsa. 2000. Genetic analysis of freezing tolerance in blueberry. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100: 690-696.
Wisniewski, M.E. and R. Arora. 2000. Structural and biochemical aspects of cold hardiness in woody plants. In M. Jain & S. Minocha (eds.), Molecular Biology of Woody Plants, Vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 419-438.
Wisniewski, M.E. and R. Arora. 2000. Seasonally regulated proteins in Peach: What are they and what do they do? In: J.-D. Viemont and J. Crabbe (eds.), Dormancy in Plants: From whole plant behavior to cellular control, CAB International, pp 161-172. (Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Plant Dormancy held at Angers, France)
Sutinen, M-L, R. Arora, M.E. Wisniewski, E. Ashworth, R. Strimbeck, & J.P. Palta. 2001. Mechanisms of Frost Survival. In F. Bigras & S. Colombo (eds.), Conifer Cold Hardiness, Kluwer Publishers, pp. 89-120
Gulen, H., R. Arora, A. Kuden, S.L. Krebs, and J. Postman. 2002. Peroxidase isozyme profiles in compatible and incompatible pear-quince graft combinations. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127: 152-157.
Arora, R., S.L. Krebs and C-C. Lim. 2002. Mapping cold hardiness genes in rhododendrons: An assessment of strategy. J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc. 56 (4): 204-206.
Arora, R. 2002. Cold acclimation in Rhododendron: A genetic and physiological study. In P.H. Li and T. Palva (eds.), Plant Cold Hardiness: Gene regulation and genetic engineering. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NY, pp 77-92. (Proceedings of the Sixth International Plant Cold Hardiness Symposium held in Helsinki, Finland)
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., L.J. Rowland and R. Arora. 2003. Bud hardiness and deacclimation in blueberry cultivars with varying species ancestry: Flowering time may not be a good indicator of deacclimation. Acta Horticulturae 626: 39-44
Rowland, L.J., S. Mehra, A. Dhanaraj, E.L. Ogden and R. Arora. 2003. Identification of molecular markers associated with cold tolerance in blueberry. Acta Hortculturae 625: 59-69
Arora, R., L.J. Rowland and K. Tanino. 2003. Induction and release of bud dormancy in woody perennials: A science comes of age. HortScience 38 (5): 911-921.
Adler, P.R. J.R. Cumming, and R. Arora, 2003. Nature of mineral nutrient uptake by plants. In: Agricultural Sciences: Soil-Plant-Water-Air Relations, edited by Rattan Lal, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-14.
Rowland, L.J., A. Dhanaraj, J. Polashock and R. Arora. 2003. Utility of blueberry-derived EST-PCR primers in related Ericaceae species. HortScience 38: 1428-1432.
Arora, R., C-C Lim, S.L. Krebs and C.O. Marian. 2003. A Genetic and Physiological Study of Rhododendron Cold Hardiness. In: G. Argent and M. McFarlane (eds.), Rhododendrons in Horticulture & Science, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh publication, Edinburgh, pp. 208- 217. (Proceedings of the International Rhododendron Conference, Edinburgh)
Arora, R. 2003. Temperature Relations In: T. Baugher and S. Singha (eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Temperate Tree Fruit, Haworth Press, pp. 327-337.
Wisniewski, M., C. Bassett and R. Arora. 2004. Distribution and partial characterization of seasonally-expressed proteins in different aged shoots and roots of ‘Loring’ peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch). Tree Physiology24: 339-345.
Panta, G.R., L. J. Rowland, R. Arora, E.L. Ogden and C-C. Lim. 2004. Inheritance of cold hardiness and dehydrin genes in diploid mapping populations in blueberry. J. Crop Improvement 10: 37-52.
Wisniewski, M., M. Fuller, J.P. Palta, J. Carter and R. Arora. 2004. Ice nucleation, propagation, and deep supercooling in woody plants. J. Crop Improvement 10: 5-16.
Marian, C.O., S.L. Krebs and R. Arora. 2004. Dehydrin variability among Rhododendron spp: A 25 kDa dehydrin is highly conserved and associated with cold acclimation across wide array of species. New Phytologist 161: 773-780.
Marian, C.O., A. Eris, S.L. Krebs, and R. Arora. 2004. Environmental regulation of 25 kDa dehydrin in relation to Rhododendron cold acclimation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.129:354-359.
Arora, R., L.J. Rowland, E.L. Ogden, A.L. Dhanaraj, C.O. Marian, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and B. Vinyard. 2004. Rate of dehardening, stage of bud opening, and changes in dehydrin metabolism in blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) cultivars during deacclimation at constant, warm temperatures. J. Amer Soc. Hort. Sci. 129: 667-674.
Gulen, H., A. Kuden and R. Arora. 2005. Total protein content and SDS-PAGE in pear scions grafted on quince A and pear rootstocks. Turkish J. Agric. For. 29: 91-96.
Arora, R. and C-C. Lim. 2005. A 27 kDa Rhododendron protein is associated with constitutive freezing tolerance and is related to the ABA/water deficit stress-inducible family of proteins J. Horticulture Science & Biotechnology 80: 171-176.
Wei, H., A.L. Dhanaraj, L.J. Rowland., Y. Fu, S.L. Krebs and R. Arora. 2005. Comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from cold-acclimated and non-acclimated leaves of Rhododendron catawbiense Michx. Planta 221: 406-416
Wei, H., A.L. Dhanaraj, R. Arora, L.J. Rowland, Y. Fu and L. Sun. 2005. Identification of cold acclimation responsiveRhododendron genes for lipid metabolism, membrane transport, and lignin biosynthesis: importance of moderately abundant ESTs in genomic studies. Plant Cell & Environment 29: 558-570
Wei, H., Y. Fu, and R. Arora. 2005. Intron-flanking EST-PCR markers: from genetic marker development to gene structure and phylogenetic analysis in Rhododendron. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Kalberer, S.R, M.E. Wisniewski and R. Arora. 2006. (Invited Review) Deacclimation and reacclimation of cold hardy plants: current understanding and emerging concepts. Plant Science 171: 3-16
Kalberer, S.R, N. Leyva-Estrada, S. L. Krebs and R. Arora (2006) Frost dehardening and rehardening of floral buds of deciduous azaleas depend on genotypic biogeography. Environmental & Experimental Botany59: 264-275
Wei, H., Y. Fu and Rajeev Arora. 2006. Utilization of intron-flanking EST-specific markers in the hhylogenetic analysis and parentage identification of Rhododendron species and hybrids. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131 (6): 814-819
Xiong Y, S. Fei, E. C. Brummer, R. Arora, R. E. Barker, G. Jung, S.E. Warnke. 2007. Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Winter Hardiness in Ryegrass. Molecular Breeding19: 125-136
Dhanaraj, A.L, N.W. Alkharouf, H.S. Beard, I.B. Chouikha, B.F. Mathews, H. Wei, R. Arora, and L.J. Rowland. 2007. Gene expression profiles during cold acclimation in blueberry under field and cold room conditions using cDNA microarrays. Planta 225: 735- 751
Kalberer, S.R, N. Leyva-Estrada, S. L. Krebs and R. Arora. 2007. Cold hardiness of floral buds of deciduous azaleas: dehardening, rehardening, and endodormancy in late winter. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci 132:73-79
Lin, W. Y. Peng, G. Li, R. Arora , Z. Tang, W. Su, and W. Cai. Isolation and functional characterization of PgTIP1, a hormone autotrophic cells-specific tonoplast intrinsic protein in ginseng. J. Experimental Botany 58: 947-956
Peng, Y., W. Lin, W. Cai, and R. Arora. 2007. Overexpression of a Pinax ginseng tonoplast aquaporin alters salt tolerance, drought tolerance and cold acclimation ability in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Planta 226: 729-740.
Naik, D., A.N. Dhanaraj, R. Arora and L.J. Rowland. 2007. Identification of genes associated with cold acclimation in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) using a subtractive hybridization approach. Plant Science 173: 213-222
Peng, Y., W. Lin, H. Wei, S.L. Krebs, and R. Arora. 2008. Phylogenetic analysis and seasonal cold acclimation-associated expression of early light-induced protein genes of Rhododendron catawbiense. Physiologia Plantarum 132: 44-52
Rowland, L.J., A.L. Dhanaraj, D. Naik, N. Alkharouf, B. Matthews, and R. Arora. 2008. Study of cold tolerance in blueberry using EST libraries, cDNA microarrays, and subtractive hybridization. HortScience 43(7): 1975-1981
Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2008. Cold tolerance of blueberry genotypes throughout the dormant period from acclimation to deacclimation. HortScience 43 (7): 1970-74
Thapa, B., R. Arora, A.D. Knapp and E.C. Brummer. 2008. Applying freezing test to quantify cold acclimation in Medicago truncatula Gaertn. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133: 684- 691
Reyes, J.L., F. Campos, H. Wei, R. Arora, Y. Yang, D.T. Karlson, and A. A. Covarrubias. 2008. Functional dissection of hydrophilins during in vitro freeze protection. Plant Cell & Environment31: 1781-1790
Peng, Y., J.L. Reyes, H. Wei, Y. Yang, D. Karlson, A.A. Covarrubias, S.L. Krebs, A. Fessehaie and R. Arora. 2008. RcDhn5, a cold acclimation-responsive dehydrin from Rhododendron catawbiense rescues enzyme activity from dehydration effects in vitro and enhances freezing tolerance in RcDhn5 overexpressing Arabidopsis plants. Physiologia Plantarum 134: 583-597
Pagter, M., C.R. Jensen, K.K. Petersen, F. Liu and R. Arora. 2008. Changes in carbohydrates, ABA and bark proteins during seasonal cold acclimation and deacclimation in Hydrangea pecies differing in cold hardiness. Physiologia Plantarum134: 473-485
Arora, R., Y. Peng, D. Karlson, J.L. Reyes, and A.A. Covarrubias. 2008. Physiology of cold hardening in Rhododendron: Role of a dehydrin protein from R..catawbiense (RcDhn5) in cryoprotection improving freezing tolerance. J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc. 62 (3): 153-158
Peng, Y., R. Arora, G. Li, X. Wang, A. Fessehaie. 2008. Rhododendron catawbiense plasma membrane intrinsic proteins are aquaporins, and their over-expression compromises constitutive freezing tolerance and cold acclimation ability of transgenicArabidopsis plants. Plant Cell & Environment 31: 1275-1289
Wang, X., R. Arora, H.T. Horner, and S.L. Krebs. 2008. Structural Adaptations in Overwintering Leaves of Thermonastic and Non-thermonastic Rhododendron Species. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133: 768-776
Hao, Wei, R. Arora, A.K. Yadav, and N. Joshee. (2009) Freezing Tolerance and Cold Acclimation in Guava (Psidium guajava L.).HortScience 44: 1258-1266.
Wang, X., Y. Peng, J.W. Singer, A. Fessehaie, S.L. Krebs, and R. Arora 2009. Seasonal changes in photosynthesis, antioxidant systems and ELIP expression in a thermonastic and non-thermonastic Rhododendron species: a comparison of photoprotective strategies in overwintering plants. Plant Science 177: 607-617
Chen, K., R. Arora and U. Arora. 2010. Osmopriming of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Bloomsdale ) seeds and germination performance under temperature and water stress. Seed Science and Technology 38: 45-57
Arora, R. 2010. Freezing Tolerance and Cold Acclimation in Plants:In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. pp. 153-156
Polashak, J.J., R. Arora, Y. Peng, D. Naik, and L.J. Rowland. 2010. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135(1): 40-48
Zhang, C, Fei, S-Z, R. Arora, and D. J. Hannapel. 2010. Ice recrystallization inhibition proteins of perennial ryegrass enhance freezing tolerance. Planta 232: 155-164
Lenahan, O.M, W. R. Graves, and R. Arora. 2010. Cold Hardiness and deacclimation of Styrax americanus From Three Provenances. HortScience 45: 1818-1823
Pagter, M., Hausman, J-F, and R. Arora. 2011. Deacclimation kinetics and carbohydrate changes in stem tissues of Hydrangea in response to an experimental warm spell. Plant Science 180: 140-148
Chen, K. and R. Arora. 2011. Dynamics of the antioxidant system during seed osmopriming, post-priming germination, and seedling establishment in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea. Plant Science 180: 212-220
Wei, W., L. Kang, H. Wei, R. Arora and Y.Y. Lee. 2011. Study on the decreased sugar yield in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic substrate at high substrate loading. Appl. Biochem.Biotech. 164: 1139-1149
Pagter, M., I. Lefevre, R. Arora, and J-F. Hausman. 2011. Quantitative and qualitative changes in carbohydrates associated with spring deacclimation in contrasting Hydrangea species. Environmental & Experimental Botany 72: 358-367
Arora, R. and L.J. Rowland. 2011. Physiological research on winter-hardiness: Deacclimation resistance, reacclimation ability, photoprotection strategies, and a cold acclimation protocol design. HortScience 46: 1070-1078
Fernandez, M., S. Valenzuela Aguila, R. Arora and K. Chen. 2012. Isolation and characterization of three acclimation-responsive dehydrin genes from Eucalyptus globulus Tree Genetics and Genome 8: 149-162
Chen, K., A. Fessehaie and R. Arora. 2012. Dehydrin metabolism is altered during seed osmopriming and subsequent germination under chilling and desiccation in Spinacia oleracea L. cv Bloomsdale: Possible role in stress tolerance. Plant Science183: 27-36
Chen, K. A. Fessehaie and R. Arora. 2012. Selection of Reference Genes for Normalizing Gene Expression During Seed Priming and Germination Using qPCR in Zeq mays and Spinacia oleracea. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 30: 478-487.
Arora, R. 2012. Cold hardiness (Plants): In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 11th Edition, Vol. 4, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. pp. 400-406
Chen, K., A. Fessehaie and R. Arora. 2013. Aquaporin expression during seed osmopriming and post-priming germination in spinach. Biologia Plantarum 57(1): 193-198
Pagter, M. and R. Arora. 2013. Winter survival and deacclimation of perennials under warming climate: physiological perspectives. Physiologia Plantarum 147: 75-87
Chen, K., J. Renaut, K. Sergeant, H. Wei and R. Arora. 2013. Proteomic changes associated with freeze-thaw injury and post-thaw recovery in onion (Allium cepa L.) scales. Plant Cell & Environment 36: 892-905.
Arora, R. 2013. Physiological study of the components of winter-hardiness in Rhododendron: Cold acclimation, Deacclimation Kinetics, and Reacclimation ability. Acta Horticulturae 990: 67-81
Arora, R. 2013. Summary of ‘Cellular mechanism of thermonasty in Rhododendron: Are membrane water channel proteins (aquaporins) involved? J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc.67: 196-199.
Chen, K., X. Wang, A. Fessehaie, Y. Yin, X. Wang, and R. Arora. 2013. Is the expression of aquaporins (plasma membrane intrinsic proteins 2s, PIP2s) associated with thermonasty (leaf-curling) in Rhododendron? J. Plant Physiology 170: 1447-1454.
Chen, K. and R. Arora. 2013. Priming memory invokes seed stress-tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 94: 33-45.
Chen, K. and R. Arora 2014. Understanding the cellular mechanism of recovery from freeze-thaw injury in spinach: possible role of aquaporins, heat-shock proteins, dehydrin and antioxidant system. Physiologia Plantarum 150: 374-387
Min, K., K. Chen and R. Arora. 2014. Effect of short-term versus prolonged freezing on freeze–thaw injury and post-thaw recovery in spinach: Importance in laboratory freeze–thaw protocols. Environ. Exp. Bot. 106: 124-131
Nilsen, E.T., R. Arora and M. Upmanyu. 2014. Thermonastic leaf movements in Rhododendron during freeze–thaw events: Patterns, functional significances, and causes. Environ. Exp. Bot.106: 34-43
Lim, C-C., S.L. Krebs, and R. Arora (2014). Cold hardiness increases with age in juvenile Rhododendron populations. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (542): 1-8
Die, J.V., R. Arora, L. J. Rowland (2016). Global patterns of protein abundance during the development of cold hardiness in blueberry. Environ Exp. Botany 124: 11-21.
Artlip, T.S., M.E. Wisniewski, R. Arora, J. Norelli (2016). An apple rootstock overexpressing a peach CBF gene alters growth and flowering in the scion but does not impact cold hardiness or dormancy Horticulture Research 3: 16006 (doi: 10.1038/hortres.2016.6)
Shin, H., S. Oh, R. Arora, and D. Kim (2016). Proline accumulation in response to high temperature in winter-acclimated shoots of Prunus persica: a response associated with growth resumption or heat stress? Can. J. Plant Sci. 96: 630-638.
Arora, R. and K. Taulavuori (2016). Increased risk of freeze damage in woody perennials vis-′a-vis climate change: Importance of deacclimation and dormancy response. Frontiers in Environmental Science 4 (44): 1-7 (doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00044)
Oh, Sewon, H. R. Shin, R. Arora, K. Kim and D. Kim (2017). Proline accumulation and related gene expression during spring regrowth in three Rosacea species. Hortic. Environ. Biotechnol. 58 (1): 21-26.
Die, J.V., R. Arora, L.J. Rowland (2017). Proteome dynamics of cold-acclimating Rhododendron species contrasting in their freezing tolerance and thermonasty behavior. PLoS ONE12 (5): 1-17. e0177389.
Liu, B., H. Zhou, S. Cao, Y. Xia and R. Arora (2017) Comparative physiology of natural deacclimation in ten azalea cultivars. HortScience 52: 1451-1457.
Shin, H., K. Min and R. Arora (2018) Exogenous salicylic acid improves freezing tolerence of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. Cryobiology 81: 192-200.
Arora, R. (2018) Mechanism of freeze-thaw injury and recovery: A cool retrospective and warming up to new ideas. Plant Science 270: 301-313.
Wisniewski, M., A. Nassuth and R. Arora (2018) Cold Hardiness in Trees: A mini review. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1394.
Min, K, L. Showman, A. Perera and R. Arora (2018) Salicylic acid-induced freezing tolerance in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves explored through metabolite profiling. Enviro. Exp. Botany156: 214-227.
R. Arora (2019) A mechanistic Understanding of Winter Hardiness in Rhododendron: Implications in Breeding for Cold Hardiness. Rhododendrons International 3: 8-26.
B. Liu, Y-P. Xia, S. L. Krebs, J. Medeiros, R. Arora (2019) Seasonal responses to cold and light stresses by two elevational ecotypes of Rhododendron catawbiense: a comparative study of overwintering strategies. Environ. Exp. Botany 163: 86-96
Wei, H., Y. Yang, M.E. Himmel, M.P. Tucker, S-Y. Ding, S. Yang and R. Arora (2019) Identification and characterization of five cold stress-related Rhododendron dehydrin genes: Spotlight on a FSK-type dehydrin with multiple F-segments. Frontiers Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7: 1-14 doi: 10:3389/fbioe.2019.00030
Min, K., K. Chen and R. Arora (2020) A metabolomics study of ascorbic acid-induced in situ freezing tolerance in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Plant Direct DOI: 10.1002/pld3.202
Vyse, K., J. Penzlin, K. Sergeant, D.K. Hincha, R. Arora and E. Zuther (2020) Repair of sub-lethal freezing damage in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology
Min, K., K. Chen and R. Arora (2020) Short versus prolonged freezing differentially impacts freeze – thaw injury in spinach leaves: mechanistic insights through metabolite profiling. Physiologia Plantarum doi:10.1111/ppl.13033
Pease, B., A. Thoms, R. Arora and N. Christians (2020) Intercellular void space effects on Kentucky bluegrass traffic tolerance. Agronomy J. 112: 3450-3455
Liu, B. X-Y. Wang, Y. Cao, R. Arora, H. Zhou and Y-P. Xia. (2020) Factors affecting freezing tolerance: a comparative transcriptomics study between field and artificial cold acclimations in overwintering evergreens The Plant Journal103, 2279–2300
Pease, B.W., A.W. Thoms, R. Arora, and N.E. Christians (2021) Antioxidant enzyme responses of Kentucky bluegrass to simulated athletic traffic stress. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J.; 1-10
Min, K., B. Liu, S-R Lee, and R. Arora (2021) Supplemental calcium improves freezing tolerance of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) by mitigating membrane and photosynthetic damage, and bolstering anti-oxidant and cell-wall status. Scientia Horticulturae
Arora, R., S.L. Krebs, and M.E. Wisniewski (2021) The relationship of cold acclimation and extracellular ice formation to winter thermonasty in two Rhododendron species and their F1 hybrid. American J. Botany108(10): 1–11.
Kopec, P., M. Rapacz, and R. Arora (2022) Post-translational activation of CBF for inducing freezing tolerance. Trends in Plant Science
Min, K and R. Arora (2022) Pre-stress salicylic-acid treatment as an intervention strategy for freeze-protection in spinach: Foliar versus sub-irrigation application and duration of efficacy. Cryobiology
Arora, R., M. Wisniewski, T. Tuong and D. Livingston (2023) Infrared thermography of in situ natural freezing and mechanism of winter-thermonasty in Rhododendron maximum. Physiologia Plantarum
Soares, Tassia, A. Veruska, and R. Arora (2023) Chilling and freezing stress tolerance in Moringa oleifera Lam. Scientia Hortculturae 321: 112210
Talcott, Anna J., R. Arora, and W.R. Graves (2023) Cold acclimation and deacclimation of Ptelea and Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae). Native Plants Journal 25(3): 215-224.
Donelan, T., A. Thoms, R. Arora, M.Z. Tekeste, and P. Jjagwe (2023) Comparative study of morphological, anatomical, and cell-wall compositional and leaf elemental features of traffic-tolerant versus traffic-sensitive tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Crop Science 1-11.
Perry, R., A. Nair, and R. Arora (2024) Enhancing freezing tolerance of field-grown lettuce with salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, and calcium chloride. HortScience 59(4): 512-519.
Kopec, P., M. Rapacz, and R. Arora (2024) Redox regulation of Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle during cold acclimation. Trends in Plant Science.