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Kathleen Delate

Selected Refereed Publications

Nazareth, J., A. Shaw, K. Delate, and R. Turnbull. 2019. Food safety considerations in integrated organic crop-livestock systems: Prevalence of Salmonella spp. and E. coli O157:H7 in organically raised cattle and organic feed. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. DOI:

Carr, P.M., Cavigelli, M.A., Darby, H., Delate, K., et al. 2019. Green and animal manure use in organic field crop systems. Agronomy Journal. 2020:1-27:

Carr, P.M., Cavigelli, M.A., Darby, H., Delate, K., et al. 2019. Nutrient cycling in organic field crops in Canada and the United States. Agronomy Journal 111(6):2769-2785:

Adebiyi, J., L. Schmitt Olabisi, R. Richardson, Lenis S. O Liverpool-Tasie and K. Delate. 2019. Drivers and constraints to the adoption of organic leafy vegetable production in Nigeria: A Livelihood Approach. Sustainability 2020, 12(1): 96:

Hayden, J., S. Rocker, H. Phillips, B. Heins, A. Smith and K. Delate. 2018. The importance of social support and communities of practice: Farmer perceptions of the challenges and opportunities of integrated crop–livestock systems on organically managed farms in the northern U.S. Sustainability 10: 4606. doi:10.3390/su10124606.

Bakker, M.G., T. Looft, D.P. Alt, K. Delate, and C.A. Cambardella. 2018. Bulk soil bacterial community structure and function respond to long-term organic and conventional agricultural management. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 64 (12): 901-914. http//

Silva, E. and K. Delate. 2017. A decade of progress in organic cover crop-based reduced tillage practices in the Upper Midwestern USA. Agriculture 7: 44: doi:10.3390/agriculture7050044.

Phillips, H.N., B.J. Heins, K. Delate, and R. Turnbull. 2017. Impact of grazing dairy steers on winter rye (Secale cereale) versus winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and effects on meat quality, fatty acid and amino acid profiles, and consumer acceptability of organic beef. PLoS ONE 12(11):e0187686.

Delate, K., S. Canali, R. Turnbull, R. Tan and L. Colombo. 2016. Participatory organic research in the U.S. and Italy: Across a continuum of farmer–researcher partnerships. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, p. 1-18. Available at: DOI:

Reeve, J.R., L.A. Hoagland, J.J. Villalba, P.M. Carr, A. Atucha, C. Cambardella, D.R. Davis, K. Delate. 2016. Organic farming, soil health, and food quality: Considering possible links. Advances in Agronomy 137:319-368.

Delate, K., C. Cambardella, C. Chase, and Robert Turnbull. 2015. A review of long-term organic comparison trials in the U.S. Sustainable Agriculture Research 4(3):

Cambardella, C.A., K. Delate, and D.B. Jaynes. 2015. Water quality in organic systems. Sustainable Agriculture Research 4(3):

Mallory, E.B., N. Halberg, L. Andreasen, K. Delate, and M. Ngouajio. 2015. Innovations in organic food systems for sustainable production and ecosystem services: An introduction to the special issue of Sustainable Agriculture Research. Sustainable Agriculture Research 4(3):

Ciaccia, C. S. Canali, G. Campanelli, E. Testani, F. Montemurro, F. Leteo, and K. Delate. 2015. Cover crop management and weed suppression: Effect of the roller-crimper technique on the competitive ability of organic zucchini plants in a Mediterranean climate zone. Renewable Agriculture & Food Systems DOI:

Delate, K., C. Cambardella, C. Chase, A. Johanns, and R. Turnbull. 2013. The Long-Term Agroecological Research (LTAR) experiment supports organic yields, soil quality, and economic performance in Iowa. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2013-0429-02-RS.

Delate, K., D. Cwach, and C. Chase. 2012. Organic no–till system effects on soybean, corn and irrigated tomato production and economic performance in Iowa, USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27(1):49–59. doi: 10.1017/S1742170511000524.

Singerman, A., K. Delate, C. Chase, C. Greene, M. Livingston, S. Lence and C. Hart. 2011. Profitability of organic and conventional soybean production under ‘green payments’ in carbon offset programs. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27(4): 266–277.

Wiltshire, K., K. Delate, M. Wiedenhoeft, and J. Flora. 2010. Incorporating native plants into multifunctional prairie-pastures for organic cow-calf operations. Renewable Ag. & Food Systems. Published on-line 25 Sept. 2010: doi:10.1017/S174217051000044X.

Recent Grant Awards

  1. USDA-NIFA-OREI: “Integrating Crops and Livestock in a Systems Approach to Enhance Organic Farm Stability, Safety and Resilience”: with Univ. Minnesota and Rodale Institute: 2014-2019: $1.9 million
  2. USDA-NIFA-OREI: “Accelerating Corn Elite Selections (ACES) Organic Breeding Program: Novel Strategies for Development of Field and Sweet Corn Varieties for Organic Producers” (T. Lubberstedt, Agronomy-PI): 2017-2021: $1 million
  3. USDA-NRCS-CIG (Conservation Innovation Grant): “Innovations in Cover-Crop-Based Organic No-Till Systems to Improve Soil Health and Nutrient Management” (UW-Madison, PI): 2018-2021: $2.2 million
  4. USDA, Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Service (CSREES), Organic Research and Extension Initiative & Water Quality Programs, “Enhancing Farmland Water Quality and Availability through Soil-Building Crop Rotations and Organic Practices”, 2009-2016: $599,142
  5. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Research (as of July 2017: funded by the ISU Nutrient Research Center): “Impacts of cropping system diversity and input reduction on greenhouse gas mitigation, soil and water quality, and economic performance of Iowa grain systems”: $44,990
  6. Iowa State University Ag and Natural Resources Extension and Outreach Diversity Grant: “Assessing the Food Safety Knowledge Gained from Underserved Refugee Populations in Iowa”: 2019-2020: ISU Produce Food Safety Team (Angela Shaw, Shannon Coleman, Bridget Perry and Manreet Bhullar); Kathleen Delate, Thanh Nguyen, Joseph Hannan, Morgan Hoenig, Teresa Wiemerslage, Dan Fillius, and Ellen Johnsen: $10,000


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