
Greenhouse short course comes to Iowa State November 7th

We are excited to announce the 1st Annual Iowa State University Greenhouse Short course on Friday, November 7th at Reiman Gardens in Ames, Iowa- and we hope you can make it! This year our program will feature presentations delivering cutting-edge information for greenhouse growers. Specifically, our program will feature talks on plant growth regulators, flowering, vegetative annuals, pesticide rotations, and pesticide safety. Additionally, we will be offering Continuing Instruction Course (C-CIC) credit for greenhouse applicators for an additional fee.

Our featured speakers for this year’s Short Course include Dr. Brian Whipker (North Carolina State University), Dr. John Erwin (University of Minnesota), Dr. Carlos Bográn (OHP, Inc.), Dr. Mark Shour (Iowa State University), and Dr. Chris Currey (Iowa State University). The cost for the event is $50 per person and includes lunch catered by Hickory Park; the C-CIC credit is an additional $35. For more information, email or call Chris Currey (; 515-294-1917).

For agenda and registration information, click the link below:

Registration Form 2014