Doctor of Philosophy, Purdue University, 2013
Master of Science, University of Minnesota, 2009
Bachelor of Science, University of Minnesota, 2004
Research Focus
My controlled-environment and greenhouse crop research is focused on providing research-based best-management practices to support commercial producers of ornamental and food crops to improve productivity, profitability, and sustainability using and managing light, temperature, mineral nutrition, and plant growth regulators. My scholarship spans across all three areas of my appointment. In my scholarship of teaching and learning, I strive to identify effective methods to increase student confidence and success in greenhouse crop production and increase student understanding of timely and important related to greenhouse crop production, such as local food security and native plant production.
Awards/Special Recognition
2014 Iowa State University, Big 12 Faulty Fellow 2013 Purdue University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation 2012 2011, American Floral Endowment, James K. Rathmell Scholarship for Horticultural Study Abroad 2012 Purdue University Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants, Excellence in Teaching Award 2012 Purdue University and University of Queensland, Early Career Researcher Exchange Grant 2012 2011, 2010, Indiana Flower Growers Association, P. Allen Hammer Scholarship 2011 Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, Valent Biosciences Corporation Best Poster Presentation Award 2011 NCERA-101 Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use, First Place Poster Presentation 2011 Purdue University International Programs in Agriculture, D. Thomas Woods Memorial Fund to Support International Activity 2010 AmericanHort, Hort Scholar 2009 Purdue University Graduate School, Ross Fellow
Teaching Responsibilities
Horticulture 331X – Hydroponic Food Crop Production Horticulture 332 – Greenhouse Operations and Management Horticulture 434 – Greenhouse Crop Production I Horticulture 435 – Greenhouse Crop Production II