
Department of Horticulture Hires New Assistant Professor

Dr. Adam Thoms has been hired as an Assistant Professor in Horticulture specializing in Commercial Turfgrass Management.  Dr. Thoms will begin his appointment  July 1, 2016.

Adam was born and raised in Waverly, Iowa and obtained a B.S. in horticulture from Iowa State University. He received his M.S. in plant sciences (turfgrass management) from the University of Tennessee with his research project focusing on the traffic tolerance and management of various bermuda grass cultivars.   Adam was the research leader for the University of Tennessee Center for Athletic Field Safety, and oversaw all of the athletic turf research conducted at the University of Tennessee. His main research focus was to maximize the performance and safety of natural and synthetic turf surfaces used for athletic fields. He received his Ph.D. in plants, soils and insects from the University of Tennessee in 2015. Adam is active in both the Sports Turf Managers Association and the Synthetic Turf Council.