Turfgrass Field Day to be held July 23rd at Horticulture Research Station
July 15, 2015Homeowners and professionals will find turf tips on turf and pest management
This year’s program includes demonstration projects for those interested in lawn and turfgrass research presented by Iowa State University experts and ISU Extension and Outreach specialists. The annual event offered to golf course maintenance crews, athletic field managers, lawn care companies and homeowners present the opportunity for earning continuing instructional credit for their commercial pesticide applicator license.
Specific topics for the master gardener and homeowner program include fertilizing with organics, Ash tree replacements, mowing maintenance, grass alternatives, rain barrel irrigation, pest management and tour of a home demonstration garden.
Professional track topics include the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, working with administrators, Group 27 herbicides, T-1 green management, fertilizers, phosphites, ornamental grasses, rhizomatous tall fescues, intregrated pest management, sports field construction, golf course, mound building, level lift and irrigation tips, Ash tree replacements, mitigating localized dry spot and diseases, maximizing granular and foliar applications and demonstrations on fraise mowing and painting athletic fields. See the program schedule for track specific sessions.
Registration options
Registration opens at 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 23, with the program beginning at 8:45 a.m. Homeowners and gardeners can pre-register by contacting the Iowa Turfgrass Institute office at 515-635-0306 or jeff@iowaturfgrass.org. or download and print a registration form; cost is $30. Registration after July 20 is $40. All registration fees include morning refreshments, a catered lunch by Hickory Park and session materials. Credit cards, purchase orders and checks made payable to Iowa Turfgrass Institute are accepted.
Turf and lawn care professionals can pre-register online; cost is $30 unless they need the Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) which starts at 10 a.m.; the cost is $50. Student registration cost is $10; with PAT: $30.
Iowa State University sponsors the field day in cooperation with Iowa Turfgrass Institute, Iowa Professional Lawn Care Association, Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association and Iowa Sports Turf Managers Association.