Ryan S. Adams
Recent Extension Publication
Adams, R.S., and N. E. Christians, 2013. PM 1072
Establishing a lawn from seed. Iowa State Extension Store. Previously revised by Michael Agnew, extension turfgrass specialist from materials originally prepared by Norman Hummel, former extension turfgrass specialist, and Nick Christians, associate professor of horticulture.
Adams, R.S., and N. E. Christians, 2013. PM 1057
Lawn Fertilization. Iowa State Extension Store. Previously revised by Dave Minner, professor of horticulture. Prepared by Norm Hummel, former extension turfgrass specialist; reviewed by Michael L. Agnew, extension turfgrass specialist.
Adams, R.S., and N.E. Christians. 2014. PM 930
Weed Control in Home Lawns. Iowa State Extension Store. Originally prepared by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, former extension associate, and Michael Agnew.
Adams, R.S., and N.E. Christians. 2014. PM 1447D
Responsible Phosphorus Management in Home Lawns. Iowa State Extension Store. Originally prepared by Robert J. Mugaas, Hennepin County Extension horticulturist, University of Minnesota; Michael L. Agnew, Extension horticulturist-turf, and Nick E. Christians, professor of horticulture, Iowa State University.
Honors & Awards related to Extension/Outreach
Member of the IaTurf Blog team that received the 2014 Super Social Media Award during the 2014 Golf Industry Show. The award is given by Golf Course Industry and Aquitrols.