2017 Turfgrass Field Day held September 12th
September 20, 2017The 2017 Iowa State Turfgrass Field Day in partnership with the Iowa Turfgrass Institute was held on September 12, 2017. This year’s field day was moved to September to better display the research results from the traditional July date. Attendance increased greatly with 225 registered attendees, up from around 80 last year. This year’s event also included a return of the turfgrass equipment and management demonstrations, with 21 companies taking part in the demonstrations.
The field day started with three hours of education in three separate areas of focus: golf course management, sports turf management, and lawn care. Each area of focus had research projects currently underway at the Horticulture Research Station, some of the trials discussed were: turfgrass variety trials, amino acid effects on creeping bentgrass putting greens, putting green rootzone recycling trials, new products for athletic field paint, fertility and seed blends performance for lawn care professionals, improving drainage on your course or athletic field, and comparing aerification methods for optimizing athletic field safety and performance. The event also had Iowa Pesiticde Applicator Training, and a demonstration on how to treat for European Ash Borer.
The last hour of education included a turfgrass pest walk covering everything from turfgrass weeds, diseases and insects. Lunch was from Hickory Park, and demonstrations of equipment were from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Look on the Iowa State Horticulture Homepage and Turfgrass Bog for the date of next year’s field day. We hope to see many of you in 2018!

Mr. Ben Pease, Turfgrass Research Associate, discusses sports turf research projects to attendees of the 2017 Field Day.