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The Graduate Student Horticulture Society (GSHS) was established to foster an atmosphere of collegiality and camaraderie among graduate students and with faculty members in the Department of Horticulture.

Newly elected GSHS officers for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Ryan Neipagen, Carly Strauser, Anne Carey, Taylor Mauch, Shillah Kwikiiriza, Dalena Rogers, Samantha Lyle, Jerimiah Johnson

Co-Presidents:  Sammie Lyle and Carly Strauser

Treasurer:  Anne Carey

Historian:  Taylor Mauch

GPSS Senator:  Shillah Kwikiiriza

HORT DEI Committee Chair:  Sammie Lyle

Plant Sale Chairs:  Ryan Niepagen and Jerimiah Johnson

Social Chair:  Dalena Rogers

Active membership is open to all horticulture graduate students while associate membership is available to any graduate student at Iowa State University. The GSHS meets monthly, usually for lunch, and informally at other times throughout the semester. Recently, the GSHS planned and held a very successful plant sale, with proceeds dedicated to future social and educational opportunities.


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